Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another day goes by.

Hello people who read this.

What am I to write when no words or thoughts come to mind? What if people didn't think? What if people didn't think about what they do; they just did. There probably wouldn't be such a thing as morale or a conscience. How would the world work? This is a very deep, thought- provoking question. I can't even imagine a world without thoughts. How would one answer such a question? Well, for one, this person would have to be a very intelligent being. Genius. I'm sure even if you called Jimmy Neutron*, he would not be able to answer this. This is a very serious matter, in my opinion anyways. What if the world was run by Big Brother, like in the George Orwell novel, 1984. In this fictional, futuristic story, the world is run by this "Big Brother" figure, who tries to minimizes the thought of the human mind. some people in the story realize the difference and try to rebel secretly against it. The rebels who get caught go through a process of pain and brainwash, until they believe what Big Brother is doing is right, no matter what logic would say... anyways this was a great book if you want an exhilarating read.

I got off topic, didn't I?... I tend to do that, it's just that one thought leads to another and my fingers just keep typing and I get all excited and then when I reflect back, I think what a waste of thought it would be to just delete it.

Want to know one reason why I wanted to start a blog? No? Well I'm going to tell you anyways. I want to express myself. I want people to read my opinions. I want people to one day see my name and it will mean something - positive. I just want to write. What more can I say? Well honestly I could say a lot more.

Has anyone ever had an off day? Well let me tell you mine. First, I woke up and did my daily routine of "getting ready for school". This consists of waking up and getting out of bed, AND staying out of bed. I tend to roll back in bed and request a couple more minutes. Or say "yea I'm up" (when I'm still under the covers, curled up in cozy, warm blankets... ahh just like heaven. What about that phrase? "just like heaven"? I know I'm getting off topic again, but I can't help my mind from wondering. "Just like heaven" how could people say that if they never experienced heaven. Some phrases should never be taken literally. What if, hypothetically, someone wanted to actually experience heaven? If no one ever actually experienced heaven and came back and told the tale of what it's like to be in heaven, where did this phrase come from? It's obviously a metaphor, for something wonderful. What little kids are taught, is that heaven is for all the good people and hell is where the bad people go. This...., well I don't want to offend anyone's religious beliefs so I'll just drop it. Oh! I could care less of what other people think of me and my opinions. (I tend to write a lot before I actually get to my point; much more superfluity to come! :D) I believe that this heaven and hell is nonsensical.

Guess what? Time for a new topic!!!! YAY! Well it's going to just finish what I was originally going to say about my day today.
So let's just skip through breakfast and drive to school. I'm at school and BAM! a test first thing in the morning. How great is that? I know right. That went well, I had a good feeling about it, anyways. OK, the rest of the day was blah (a.k.a not important to discuss) until after lunch. After lunch is my History class, the one where I was supposed to write this argumentative essay on some controversial topic, I handed my paper to the teacher, and he handed it back to me, again. Apparently my argumentative essay didn't have an argument. At least he's trying to be nice, I got another extension: Friday. Friday also happens to be the same day as my English midterm. Can my week get any better?..but my day kept going. Today, I had my vivre** exam in Anatomy. This is actually my favorite subject, I'm not very good at speaking on the spot, so I don't know how I did. With all my joking around and dramatic pauses, the possibilities are endless of what my score may be. I'm not too worried. And that's how my school day ended, with an exam. It started with an exam and ended with an exam.
This will also be the end to my entry, for today. There will be more tomorrow!
Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions? If you want an honest opinion, I give you my word. It will be honest.
Farewell everyone.

This is The Rachel Report.

*For those whom don't know who Jimmy Neutron is, I will tell you who he is. I used to watch Nickelodeon when I was a young child a.k.a. two years ago. Yes, occasionally I watch cartoons. That has nothing to do with Jimmy Neutron though. OK he was a super genius whiz kid. A fictional, computer animated kid.
** vivre- it's a word used in the UK, my teacher is Britsh but he expalined it as an oral examination. It sounds sexual, it this case it wasn't. The root "vi" means "live" in any language with descent to Latin. So this makes sense, that it is a live exam, a personal exam. Which involves talking in this case.

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