Monday, January 18, 2010

I feel special.

Hello my dear readers.

I feel special. I make sure all my friends read my blog at least once, and if they like it they continue to read it daily. This makes me happy because most of my friends who have read it, say positive comments to me in person. It's that good feeling everyone wants to feel. That's good. Who is this?

So today I had review sessions for my upcoming midterms this week. I only have four more to go. After tomorrow I will have only 2 left. I can't wait until Thursday when it's all over.
This is going to be a short blog entry. I have major studying to do today for tomorrow's exams.
If I finish and I am not too tired I will post a longer entry with my honest opinions and deep topics that sometimes I can't even finish the point I was trying to make when I started them. Ciao for now.

This is The Rachel Report.

1 comment:

  1. you a beautifull young lady, yet the pictures is a kinda out of this world! looks like a talking fish:)anyway your blond hair and beautifull smiley face makes you angelic and beautifull amazing fairy oh yeah ! this is true great personality and heartfelt.
    your blog is kinda nice yet I think you should talk more about new interestig topics rather than daily routine, you can talk about your art creation,creative theatre talents, reading books, musicals, comunication and much more your knowledge about archeology and austronomy, comunity service hours that youve done over the years for good cause to our society
