Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's been a while

What has been going down?
I know it's been a while since I last wrote an entry, but I've been very busy and looking into to possible plans for next year. The upcoming school year is either going to be spent in college or a year abroad studying different cultures. I would prefer the second one just because this would be a positive life changing experience. I would like to live on my own, or at least with a couple room mates. I also realized that I now know what I want my true profession to be. I want to become a doctor. What kind of doctor you may ponder? Well I want to be a Family Practice doctor. You know the one who you go to see every yea for your annual check-up. Yeah, so that what I want to be. Want to know how much schooling and requirements I have to accomplish for this title and position? So, first I need to go to a four year college/university. And I have to take transferable classes for medical school. That will include many science courses. Then after I graduate from the four year basic college I will be about 22 years old, then I will go to medical school for another four years. When I finish that I will have my PHD (YAY!!!). So I will be about 26 years old by then.( The are many tests and papers I will have to complete, that is all included with the schooling) Not bad Rachel. Then after that , there's more, I would have to do an internship for about a year to three years working most likely in a hospital with other new doctors. So the time I will be able to be the Family Practice doctor you go to see once a year I will be about 29 or 30. Which actually isn't that bad. My salary will be very nice ;). I think it will be worth it in the end.

Well I have homework tonight still so I'm done for now. I will update more when I feel like it or when you give me a topic to discuss.
Feel free to leave comments. I love reading them.

This is The Rachel Report.

1 comment:

  1. great writing! Well done1 smart !and wishing you great years of study, fun and good meanings to life and in a good health, hapiness, yes you can! finish medical school and after that you will be the one that every will look up to you and respect you, and every one wanna date a doctor, guess what when you going to be a doctor you will be very picky and will accept only doctor or highly educated to be your friend , since you will be well highly skilled educated,you will like to date a highly educated isnt nice?! is something like a dream come true?! so if this furtune happy guy, and lucky to meet you, he must have a medical education or something similar, Believe it or not the time flies, and you day by day you become more and more mature, young adult to adult, and willing to find new beautifull ways to a bright long happy life, so when time comes it comes if one guy is out there only and only for you, with love, respect, appreciations, consideration, respect, participation, this truly will be a dream come true, this mr right is going to be sincere, respectful, and be there for you, for good times and bad times and bright times for stormy weather and for sunny beautiful weather, sincere and your soul and you his sole, keep in mind this

    "you can hide, or can fly a kite up to the sky, oh my! oh my! do not be shy! you are bright, a sunshine, like a star on the sky"

    whatever you do and wherever you go, you the star from the sky that glow

    oh yah and gues what "wherever you are I will find you” yes indeed many people they meet not because you force it, is only by mother nature of destiny and if you believe on yourself this whatever matters, sooner or later before 25 you will find the Mr. right and Mr. right will find you, the right love, at the right place at the right time, not to early and not to late just right and will be dearly on your sight and both can fly a colorful poerful rainbow kite:).
